Second Year
Get connected during your second year!
Your second year is a year of transition. It is a year of assessing where you have been and where you are going. Your choices are limitless. Thus the decisions you must make may seem that much more daunting.
Your academic advisor understands you may be feeling pressure to make some very big decisions regarding your academic career. It is our goal to assist and empower you in further developing and implementing sound educational plans consistent with your values and academic and career goals and to encourage you to become a self-directed learner and decision-maker.
Thus, the resources on this page are meant to assist you during your second year as you transition into your major and to help you make the most of your academic advising experience. Also, your academic advisor can continue to offer you guidance throughout this year and can assist you in exploring the opportunities available both on and off campus that will make your second year a more rich and meaningful experience.
It is our hope that at the conclusion of your four years, you will appreciate the importance of academic planning, that you will understand the importance of enhancing your degree with cocurricular/extracurricular and inter/intracultural experiences, that you will know your responsibilities as an educated citizen of UT and of a democratic, diverse, and global society, and that you will value the educational process and learning across the lifespan.
Preparing for Your Advising Appointment
- Review your DARS
- Review Sophomore Resources
- Review the Undergraduate Catalog
- Review the Academic Advising Syllabus or review the Academic Advising Syllabus for Exploratory Students
Scheduling Your Advising Appointment
To schedule an appointment with an academic advisor in our office, simply log into your http://my.utk.edu account and click on the “GradesFirst” link found in the advising section of your home page. Once in the “GradesFirst” system, click the “Appointments for Advising or Other Academic Help” button and follow the prompts from there. Click on this handout to schedule an advising appointment to view detailed instructions on using the online system.
You may also call 865-974-4483 (the Arts & Sciences appointment line) or stop by 313 Ayres Hall to schedule an appointment.
Our office is open Monday – Thursday from 7:30-6:00 and on Friday from 7:30-5:30. We are closed on weekends and holidays.
If you have declared your major, you will need to contact your department or College for information regarding setting up an appointment. Be sure to click on the box to the right for departmental websites. College Advising Centers contacts are listed below.
Advising Centers:
- College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
- College of Architecture and Design
- College of Arts and Sciences Advising Services
- College of Business Administration
- College of Communication and Information
- College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences
- College of Engineering
- College of Nursing
- College of Social Work
During Your Advising Appointment
Follow this helpful guide to assist you during your advising appointment:
- Be on time!
- Discuss career and personal goals with your advisor.
- Ask about resume building in the context of campus involvement, leadership, work and experience.
- Discuss with your advisor the major or majors you are interested in so your advisor can provide you an overview of each. Your advisor can further refer you to the undergraduate catalog and academic program guide for your major.
- Ask about special opportunities available within your major:
- Areas of specialization
- Honors
- Club and/or social activities within the major
- Possible listservs/newsletter
- Research opportunities
- Special Topics and/or seminar courses
- Internship experiences
- Study/work abroad
- Discuss with your advisor what specific interests you have within the major; there may be coursework and/or faculty research in line with your interests.
- With your advisor, check your DARS, and review your degree progress.
- Be prepared for your appointment by having a completed semester plan.
- You and your advisor should plan your coursework for at least two semesters, as there may be a semester gap in your advising.
- Ask your advisor for a four-year graduation plan. This will help you see what requirements remain until you graduate.
- With your advisor, review specific course offerings (course content and availability), and discuss taking upper division course work. It’s time!
- Ask about scholarship or fellowship opportunities.
- Talk with your advisor about continued communication and follow-up.
Following Your Advising Appointment
Now that you have met with your academic advisor, be sure to
- Review your academic plan.
- Reflect upon your appointment to ensure your academic and career goals remain in line with your academic plan.
- Register for the classes you and your advisor discussed during your appointment.
- Follow up with all referrals and advisor recommendations. Your advisor will ask you about this the next time you meet, so be prepared!
- Maintain contact with your academic advisor, and email your advisor additional questions or reflections.
- Discuss course alternatives with your advisor should you need to adjust your academic plan.
- Schedule a follow up advising appointment should your academic goals change.
- Sign up for Hire-A-Vol so you are aware of possible internship opportunities.
- Schedule a meeting with a career counselor to discuss career opportunities within your major.
- Explore ways you can get involved on campus and in your major.
- Attend Step Up, an event hosted by the College of Arts & Sciences and held each spring to introduce you to faculty in your intended major.