UT Advising
Mission and Policy
The mission of Arts and Sciences Advising Services is to guide our diverse undergraduate population in developing and implementing sound educational plans that are consistent with their values and their academic and career goals. Our purpose is to encourage students to become self-directed learners and decision-makers. Further, we serve as a resource to faculty and support their work with undergraduate students within the college. Finally, our efforts support the University of Tennessee’s broader mission, specifically by encouraging student persistence towards graduation.

UT Advising Policy
The University of Tennessee recognizes academic advising to be a critical component of the educational experience and student success. Faculty, administrators, and professional staff promote academic advising as a shared responsibility with students. Academic advising serves to develop and enrich students’ educational plans in ways that are consistent with their personal values, goals, and career plans, preparing them for a life of learning in a global society.
Students are assigned to advisors based on their major or exploratory track. Advising centers and designated offices in each college advise most freshmen and sophomores. Faculty advisors, working closely with the advising centers, guide most advanced students. At all levels, campus-wide guidelines for good advising are supplemented by specific college standards, guidelines, and evaluation.
Prior to enrolling for the first time at the university, all degree-seeking first-year students and transfer students are required to meet with an academic advisor. Readmitted students must also meet with an academic advisor prior to re enrolling. The following groups of students are required to meet with an advisor during each tracking semester (fall and spring):
- All students with fewer than 30 hours at UT Knoxville.
- Students following exploratory tracks.
- Students identified as “off track” by uTrack.
- Students on Academic Probation.
All other students are required to consult with an advisor for a substantial conference during a designated semester each year.
- Students whose ID numbers end in an even digit are required to meet with an advisor during fall semester.
- Students whose ID numbers end in an odd digit are required to meet with an advisor during spring semester.