The mission of Arts and Sciences Advising Services is to guide our diverse undergraduate population in developing and implementing sound educational plans that are consistent with their values and their academic and career goals. Our purpose is to encourage students to become self-directed learners and decision-makers. Further, we serve as a resource to faculty and support their work with undergraduate students within the college. Finally, our efforts support the University of Tennessee’s broader mission, specifically by encouraging student persistence towards graduation.

Need a Major?
If you don’t know what college or major to choose, you’re not alone. At least 25 percent of UT’s first-year students are undecided, and many who have declared a major will change their major several times before they make a final decision.
Being undecided places you in the position to explore, investigate, and expand your general knowledge as you plan for your future. This is an opportune time for you to brainstorm and dream of all the possibilities that are available to you. This is also the time to discover who you are and what you want to be and do in the future.
You are a unique person embodying special experiences, strengths, talents, and interests. With planning, you can combine coursework, internships, campus activities, part-time employment, volunteer work, and a variety of other activities that will enhance your future career opportunities.
Whatever you do, don’t be discouraged that you’re undecided. You are at the beginning of an adventure, and you need to proceed with an open and investigative attitude using as many resources as possible to help you reach a decision on a major.
There is a wealth of information on this campus, but you must actively seek it. Center for Career Development and Arts and Sciences Advising Services are both excellent places to start your search. We may not always have the answer, but we can point you in the right direction.
Students who are unsure about either their major or career choices need to be active participants in the exploration process as soon as they arrive on campus.

Preparing for Advising
Many situations arise during your academic experience in which informed academic and career advice is helpful. The objective of the advising system at UT is to help you at each stage of your undergraduate experience define the choices you must make and to provide you with any guidance necessary. Get prepared for your advising appointment.
This preparation guide is designed to help you make the most of your academic advising experience at UT and to assist you in preparing for your advising appointment at the different stages of your academic career.
Pre-Professional Programs
Pre-professional degrees are designed for those undergraduate students who plan to continue their education in various graduate or professional schools or programs. Discover the pre-professional programs we have to offer.

The Undergraduate Catalog is the official source of the university’s undergraduate academic programs, courses, policies, and procedures. The catalog should be used as a guide in planning a course of study and in meeting requirements for graduation.
“We are the college where two students can be pursuing the same major and have different experiences based on how they decide to fulfill requirements. Working with students on an individual level is one of the things that I love about what we do.”
Shanna Pendergrast
Director of Advising Services,
College of Arts and Sciences

Advising Staff
At UT, academic advising is all about you! As a student, you’ll work with your advisor to create an academic plan with an emphasis on self and career exploration and opportunities for experiential learning.

Transfer Students
Considering transferring to the University of Tennessee? If you are looking to major in one of the programs offered in the College of Arts and Sciences learn more here.

Advising Resources
The College of Arts and Sciences advising team has a variety of resources to support undergraduate students.