Enhance Your
UT Experience
Being a UT student can extend far beyond the hours of your class schedule. Below are just a few of the countless opportunities available to students that can and will enhance your experience at UT, both locally and globally.
Programs Abroad
Why study in Knoxville for four years? You could be earning credits toward your degree from Prague, Shanghai, or even Lima! The Programs Abroad Office has partnered with numerous institutions around the globe to provide UT students a wide variety of international and cultural learning opportunities.Check out our tips and information about making the most of your study abroad experience. This information applies to Arts and Sciences students not participating in faculty led programs.

Internships and Undergraduate Research
Give your resume an edge over the competition: obtain practical work experience in your field of interest, or participate in a special project related to your major. Contact the academic department of your interest to learn more about available opportunities.
Many academic departments offer upper-divisional credit for independent research. Look for 400-level courses with a research component or independent study, and then talk to your advisor.
Career Services maintains an extensive library of internship and employment opportunities, as well as useful workshops and webinars designed to help you explore your academic potential and plan for your future career. Check them out online, or speak with an expert in person at 100 Dunford Hall. Ph: 865-974-5435.
Center for Leadership & Service
Are you ready to make a difference in the lives of others? Do you want to be a leader? UT’s Center for Leadership and Service offers a variety of engaging programs and service opportunities open to any student who wants to serve our campus and community, and further his or her leadership skills. Stop by the CLS resource room at the University Center, Room 315, to learn more about how to get connected on campus.

Center for Student Engagement
From academic interests and club sports, to politics, Greek organizations, dance and theatre, the environment, foreign cultures, and everything in between, student organizations are at the heart of UT’s cultural and service movements.

Orientation Leader
During the summer, earn a stipend while introducing new students and their parents to the university campus. Be sure to visit the Office of Student Orientation to learn more about becoming an orientation leader.

Student Activities
Work on a university committee that provides program and leadership opportunities to advance student learning.

Student Government Association
Serve your fellow students by getting involved in student government. Check out the SGA to learn about all the opportunities available.