The College of Arts and Sciences is the gateway to knowledge for every undergraduate student who enrolls at UT. As part of the university’s general education curriculum, all students receive core instruction from the college in the arts and humanities, natural sciences and mathematics, and social sciences.

Academic Advising
Academic advising plays an important role in the quality of a student’s undergraduate experience. Discover what our academic advising teams offer.

Academic Resources
The College of Arts and Sciences is committed to assisting students with academic concerns. Learn more about our academic resources.

Honors Program
Outstanding students generally find that the Honors Program courses offered by the University provide a stimulating, satisfying, and enriching experience. Explore what the College of Arts and Sciences Honors Programs offer.

5 Year BA/MA
Find out which departments offer five-year Bachelor of Arts / Master of Arts programs.
“With the breadth of the liberal arts and the depth of study afforded by our world-class majors and minors, students in our College graduate poised to actualize their goals and envision new ones, because they learn here how to think, write, debate the biggest ideas, and imagine possibilities that cannot be contained in a single professional program or vocational training program. Come to the College to dream beyond today and be prepared to find yourself in the world of tomorrow.”
Patrick Grzanka
Divisional Dean for Social Science

Student Ambasasadors
The College of Arts and Sciences Student Ambassadors is a unique opportunity to engage with prospective students on a one-on-one basis, providing an individualized experience for students regarding their academic and extracurricular interests. Become a student ambassador.

Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Beta Kappa celebrates and advocates excellence in the liberal arts and sciences. Its campus chapters invite for induction the most outstanding arts and sciences students at America’s leading colleges and universities. Learn more about the University of Tennessee’s chapter of Phi Beta Kappa

Enhance Your UT Experience
Being a UT student can extend far beyond the hours of your class schedule. Enhance your UT experience.

Study Abroad
Interested in studying abroad? UT offers students interested in studying abroad five different types of programs: faculty-directed, affiliate, exchange, direct, and academic internships. Check out which program might be right for you.