With 200 world-class graduate programs to choose from, an enthusiastic Volunteer culture, and beautiful East Tennessee surroundings, the University of Tennessee is the perfect place to continue your education.

Travel Awards
These awards assist in travel expenses for a student who is giving a presentation at a professional meeting. Made three times per year for travel taking place in the upcoming third of the year. The College of Arts & Sciences will assist each qualified student once per year.
Interested students can read more information about the GSS travel fund and may complete the application online.
*NOTE: Graduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences must submit their travel applications to their respective college deans earlier than other students for processing by their colleges.
Graduate Student Senate
The GSS is the official voice of graduate and professional students across a wide range of disciplines at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. We serve over 6000 students that have chosen to continue their education for the purpose of extending the boundaries of human knowledge and improving the lives of people in the state of Tennessee, the nation, and the world.