The College of Arts of Sciences is committed to assisting students with academic concerns.

We Offer the Following Resources
- Advising Resources – The College of Arts and Sciences advising team has a variety of resources to support undergraduate students.
- Black Cultural Center Tutorial – provides quality tutoring for a variety of undergraduate courses.
- Career Services – offers a wide variety of career services for UT students ranging from information on choosing a major to resume writing.
- Chemistry Tutorial Center – offers assistance in 100-level chemistry courses.
- Counseling Center – provides assistance in the area of personal counseling, time management, and other student transitional issues.
- Graduation – assists students with questions regarding graduation procedures, policies, and processes.
- Hilltopics Student Handbook – covers all UT policies and regulations.
- Math Tutorial Center – helps students improve their grades in math classes.
- Physics Tutorial Center – provides individual attention to physics students to help them learn and understand physics concepts and problem-solving skills.
- Registration Information – covers all Registrar functions related to scheduling, transcripts, etc.
- Student Success Center – helps students discover resources related to academic success at UT.
- Supplemental Instruction – offers free, out of class study sessions for traditionally difficult courses.
- Writing Center – assists students with writing papers for any UT classes.
Study and Learning Skills
- Bloom’s Taxonomy – identifies levels at which students should learn in order to process information better.
- Covey’s Seven Habits – explains seven habits of highly effective people.
- Discovering Your Learning Curve – shows the best practices of studying based on a person’s learning style.
- Mind Mapping – provides an effective strategy for studying and remembering new information. This strategy is especially effective for visual learners.
- Reading Comprehension – teaches students how to read effectively through restatement, description, and interpretation.