Archives for January 2016

Awarding Honorary Degrees
Fall semester ended on a positive and uplifting note with the awarding of an honorary degree to Knoxville-born actress Dale Dickey, who attended UT as a theatre major from 1979 to 1984, received an honorary Master of Fine Arts, the highest degree awarded in that discipline, during undergraduate commencement ceremonies held December 14, 2015. It […]

We Are UT’s Best Advocates
With increasing frequency and intensity public voices have been critical of some of our methods and approaches related to our mission of educating students to become innovative citizen leaders in a global community. In particular, we’ve been put on the defensive regarding our approach to promoting diversity. For some it has been and continues to […]

College Business for Spring Semester 2016
We have a full agenda for the months ahead and I look forward to working with each of you as we move the college forward. Budget Hearings: Throughout the first few weeks of the semester we are engaged with departments in budget hearings in preparation for the college budget hearing for FY17 scheduled with Provost […]